Source code for jange.ops.text.clean

"""This module contains several text cleaning operations

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import more_itertools
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
from spacy.tokens import Doc

from jange import base, ops, stream

[docs]class EmptyTextError(Exception): pass
[docs]@base.accepts(str, strict=True) @base.produces(str) class CaseChangeOperation(ops.base.Operation): """Operation for changing case of the texts. Parameters ---------- mode : str one of `lower`, `upper` or `capitalize` name : str name of this operation Example -------- >>> ds = DataStream(["AAA", "Bbb"]) >>> list(ds.apply(CaseChangeOperation(mode="lower))) ["aaa", "bbb"] Attributes ---------- mode : str one of ['lower', 'capitalize', 'upper'] name : str name of this operation """ def __init__(self, mode: str = "lower", name: str = "case_change"): super().__init__(name=name) valid_modes = ["lower", "upper", "capitalize"] mode = mode.lower() if mode not in valid_modes: raise ValueError( f"Invalid value for mode passed." f" Expected one of {valid_modes} but received {mode}" ) self.mode = mode def run(self, ds: stream.DataStream): if self.mode == "upper": fn = str.upper elif self.mode == "capitalize": fn = str.capitalize else: fn = str.lower items = map(fn, ds) return stream.DataStream( applied_ops=ds.applied_ops + [self], items=items, context=ds.context ) def __repr__(self): return f"CaseChangeOperation(mode='{self.mode}')"
[docs]def lowercase(name="lowercase") -> CaseChangeOperation: """Helper function to create CaseChangeOperation with mode="lower" """ return CaseChangeOperation(mode="lower", name=name)
[docs]def uppercase(name="uppercase") -> CaseChangeOperation: """Helper function to create CaseChangeOperation with mode="upper" """ return CaseChangeOperation(mode="upper", name=name)
def _lemmatize(doc, ctx): lemma_tokens = [t.lemma_ for t in doc] return " ".join(lemma_tokens), ctx
[docs]def lemmatize( nlp: Optional[Language] = None, name="lemmatize" ) -> ops.base.SpacyBasedOperation: """Helper function to return SpacyBasedOperation for lemmatizing. This operation returns a stream.DataStream where each item is a string after being lemmatized. Parameters ---------- nlp : Optional[spacy.language.Language] spacy's language model or None. If None then by default `en_core_web_sm` spacy model is loaded name : Optional[str] name of this operation Returns ------- out : SpacyBasedOperation """ return ops.base.SpacyBasedOperation(nlp=nlp, process_doc_fn=_lemmatize, name=name,)
[docs]@base.accepts(str, Doc) @base.produces(str) class TokenFilterOperation(ops.base.SpacyBasedOperation): """Operation for filtering individual tokens. Spacy's token pattern matching is used for matching various tokens in the document. Any tokens matching the filter can either be discarded or kept while discarding the non matching ones. Parameters ---------- patterns : List[List[Dict]] a list of patterns where each pattern is a List[Dict]. The patterns are passed to spacy's Token Matcher. see for more details on how to define patterns. nlp : Optional[spacy.language.Language] spacy's language model or None. If None then by default `en_core_web_sm` spacy model is loaded keep_matching_tokens: bool if true then any non-matching tokens are discarded from the document (e.g. extracting only nouns) if false then any matching tokens are discarded (e.g. stopword removal) name : Optional[str] name of this operation Example ------- >>> nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") >>> # define patterns to match [a, an, the] tokens >>> patterns = [ [{"LOWER": "a"}], [{"LOWER": "an"}], [{"LOWER": "the"}] ] >>> # define the token filter operation to match the patterns and discard them >>> op = TokenFilterOperation(patterns=patterns, nlp=nlp, keep_matching_tokens=False) >>> ds = stream.DataStream(["that is an orange"]) >>> print(list(ds.apply(op)) ["that is orange"] See for more details on what token patterns can be used. Attributes --------- nlp : spacy.language.Language spacy's language model keep_matching_tokens : bool whether to discard the tokens matched by the filter from the document or to keep them patterns : List[List[Dict]] patterns to pass to spacy's Matcher name : str name of this operation """ def __init__( self, patterns: List[List[Dict]], nlp: Optional[Language] = None, keep_matching_tokens=False, name: Optional[str] = "token_filter", ) -> None: super().__init__(nlp, name=name) self.keep_matching_tokens = keep_matching_tokens self.patterns = patterns self.matcher = self._get_matcher(self.nlp, self.patterns) def _get_matcher(self, nlp, patterns): matcher = Matcher(vocab=nlp.vocab, validate=True) for p in patterns: matcher.add("MATCHES", None, p) return matcher def _discard_tokens_from_doc(self, doc: Doc, token_ids: List[int]) -> Doc: """Returns a new document after discarding the tokens Parameters ---------- doc : spacy.tokens.Doc orignal document token_ids : List[int] a list of index of tokens to discard Returns ------- out : spacy.tokens.Doc a new document which does not contain the tokens specified """ tokens = [t for t in doc if t.i not in token_ids] words = [t.text for t in tokens] spaces = [t.whitespace_ == " " for t in tokens] spaces[-1] = False return Doc(self.nlp.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces) def _filter_tokens(self, matcher_output: Tuple[Doc, List[Tuple]]) -> Doc: ((doc, matches), context) = matcher_output matching_token_ids = [] for _, start, end in matches: for token in doc[start:end]: matching_token_ids.append(token.i) tokens_to_discard = matching_token_ids if self.keep_matching_tokens: tokens_to_discard = [t.i for t in doc if t.i not in matching_token_ids] # if we have to discard all tokens in the document # then throw an exception if len(tokens_to_discard) == len(doc): raise EmptyTextError else: return self._discard_tokens_from_doc(doc, tokens_to_discard).text, context def run(self, ds: stream.DataStream) -> stream.DataStream: docs_ds = self.get_docs_stream(ds) docs = zip(docs_ds, docs_ds.context) # match results is a tuple ((doc, matches), context) match_results = self.matcher.pipe(docs, return_matches=True, as_tuples=True) new_docs_with_context = more_itertools.map_except( self._filter_tokens, match_results, EmptyTextError ) new_docs, context = more_itertools.unzip(new_docs_with_context) return stream.DataStream( new_docs, applied_ops=ds.applied_ops + [self], context=context ) def __getstate__(self): state = super().__getstate__() del state["matcher"] return state def __setstate__(self, state: dict): super().__setstate__(state) self.matcher = self._get_matcher(self.nlp, self.patterns) def __repr__(self) -> str: patterns = ( self.patterns if len(self.patterns) < 10 else f"{self.patterns[:10]}... and others" ) return f"TokenFilterOperation(patterns={patterns}, keep_matching_tokens={self.keep_matching_tokens}, name={})"
[docs]def token_filter( patterns: List[List[Dict]], keep_matching_tokens, nlp: Optional[Language] = None, name: Optional[str] = "token_filter", ) -> TokenFilterOperation: """Helper function to create TokenFilterOperation Parameters ---------- patterns : List[List[Dict]] a list of patterns where each pattern is a List[Dict]. The patterns are passed to spacy's Token Matcher. see for more details on how to define patterns. nlp : Optional[spacy.language.Language] spacy's language model or None. If None then by default `en_core_web_sm` spacy model is loaded keep_matching_tokens: bool if true then any non-matching tokens are discarded from the document (e.g. extracting only nouns) if false then any matching tokens are discarded (e.g. stopword removal) name : Optional[str] name of this operation Returns ------- TokenFilterOperation """ return TokenFilterOperation( patterns=patterns, nlp=nlp, keep_matching_tokens=keep_matching_tokens, name=name, )
[docs]def pos_filter( pos_tags: Union[str, List[str]], keep_matching_tokens: bool = False, nlp: Optional[Language] = None, name: Optional[str] = "filter_pos", ) -> TokenFilterOperation: """TokenFilterOperation to filter tokens based on Part of Speech Parameters ---------- pos_tags : Union[str, List[str]] a single POS tag or a list of POS tags to search for. See for more details on what tags can be used. These depend on the language model used. keep_matching_tokens : bool if true then tokens having the given part of speech are kept and others are discarded from the text. Otherwise, tokens not having the given part of speech tags are kept nlp : Optional[spacy.language.Language] spacy's language model or None. If None then by default `en_core_web_sm` spacy model is loaded name : Optional[str] name of this operation Returns ------- TokenFilterOperation Example ------- >>> ds = stream.DataStream(["Python is a programming language"]) >>> print(list(ds.apply(ops.text.filter_pos("NOUN", keep_matching_tokens=True)))) [programming language] """ patterns = [] if not isinstance(pos_tags, (list, tuple)): pos_tags = [pos_tags] for tag in pos_tags: patterns.append([{"POS": tag}]) return TokenFilterOperation( patterns, nlp=nlp, keep_matching_tokens=keep_matching_tokens, name=name )
[docs]def remove_stopwords( words: List[str] = None, nlp: Optional[Language] = None, name: Optional[str] = "remove_stopwords", ) -> TokenFilterOperation: """TokenFilterOperation to remove stopwords Parameters ---------- words : List[str] a list of words to remove from the text nlp : Optional[spacy.language.Language] spacy's language model or None. If None then by default `en_core_web_sm` spacy model is loaded name : Optional[str] name of this operation Returns ------- TokenFilterOperation Example ------- >>> ds = stream.DataStream(["Python is a programming language"]) >>> print(list(ds.apply(ops.text.remove_stopwords()))) [Python programming language] >>> print(list(ds.apply(ops.text.remove_stopwords(words=["programming])))) [Python is a language] """ patterns = [] if words: for word in words: patterns.append([{"LOWER": word.lower()}]) else: patterns.append([{"IS_STOP": True}]) return TokenFilterOperation( patterns, nlp=nlp, keep_matching_tokens=False, name=name )
[docs]def remove_numbers( nlp: Optional[Language] = None, name: Optional[str] = "remove_numbers" ) -> TokenFilterOperation: """TokenFilterOperation to remove numbers Parameters ---------- nlp : Optional[spacy.language.Language] spacy's language model or None. If None then by default `en_core_web_sm` spacy model is loaded name : Optional[str] name of this operation Returns ------- TokenFilterOperation """ patterns = [[{"IS_DIGIT": True}]] return TokenFilterOperation( patterns, nlp=nlp, keep_matching_tokens=False, name=name )
[docs]def remove_emails( nlp: Optional[Language] = None, name: Optional[str] = "remove_emails" ) -> TokenFilterOperation: """TokenFilterOperation to remove emails Parameters ---------- nlp : Optional[spacy.language.Language] spacy's language model or None. If None then by default `en_core_web_sm` spacy model is loaded name : Optional[str] name of this operation Returns ------- TokenFilterOperation """ patterns = [[{"LIKE_EMAIL": True}]] return TokenFilterOperation( patterns, nlp=nlp, keep_matching_tokens=False, name=name )
[docs]def remove_short_words( length: int, nlp: Optional[Language] = None, name: Optional[str] = "remove_short_words", ) -> TokenFilterOperation: """TokenFilterOperation to remove tokens that have fewer characters than specified Parameters ---------- length : int atleast this many characters should be in the token, otherwise it is discarded nlp : Optional[spacy.language.Language] spacy's language model or None. If None then by default `en_core_web_sm` spacy model is loaded name : Optional[str] name of this operation Returns ------- TokenFilterOperation """ patterns = [[{"LENGTH": {"<": length}}]] return TokenFilterOperation( patterns, nlp=nlp, keep_matching_tokens=False, name=name, )